Sweet Adeline,
My Adeline,
At night, dear heart,
For you I pine;
In all my dreams,
Your fair face beams.
You're the flower of my heart,
Sweet Adeline.
Adeline is an eBay find. She was a bargain (at least in my opinion) because she has been well-loved and is in need of a little TLC. I believe she is was produced in 1968. I call her my "Mystery" Blonde because I don't know how she was originally dressed: blue cord, brown cord, jeans, perhaps even gingham if she's from 1969 instead. She came to me wearing a cute dress from
Dolliepatch which Boo is already begging to put on Calla. I'm going to dress her as a blue cord girl with an outfit I purchased from
Sasha Doll UK -- a fabulous website for both shopping and dreaming.

After the Holidays I plan to send Adeline on a trip to the Sasha Spa. She has a nose ding and some scrapes on her face that will probably remain, but a few of her flaws can be easily fixed: she is a bit grubby, her arms no longer hold a pose, and several plugs of the first row of her bangs have been chopped.

On the plus side, her bangs are thick enough to conceal the chopped bit and her hair is quite nice overall. It's a bit dry at the ends, but nicely two-toned with a part on top. Her lip paint is basically non-existent, but her eyes are glorious.

I will post more pictures of Adeline after her R and R.