Her stringing is tight, but something is amiss as her right arm wants to stay twisted back. When that is sorted out, I'll decide if I want to do anything about her hair and/or eyebrow.
UPDATE: Victoria left a comment and mentioned seeing this dress on Bettina's website. I checked her "Mode" (fashion) photos, and saw a very similar dress labeled "Dolls Designs". After some web surfing, I found the pattern (bearing the picture I recall seeing): "Dolls Designs" KP50 by Patricia Evans and Jane Woodbridge. I think I must have seen it on eBay at some point.

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She's lovely and was obviously well loved - that must bring some good vibes with her. :) Congratulations!
I was just on Bettina's website and the dress looks exactly like one on a couple of her dolls pictured in her "fotoalben".
Did you buy her from Shelly? She's very pretty, and I seem to recall this doll on her site. I'm glad you have her. She's very sweet, and I hanked after her myself:-)
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