11 August 2011

Sasha Festival 2011 - post 7

Since there were no table hostess gifts or gift swap this year, and I didn't win any auctions or buy anything for myself in the sales room, I didn't bring home much new beyond the festival souvenirs shown in my last post. I did buy a copy of Anne, Ann, and Susanna's new book (which is fabulous - everyone needs a copy!) and a set of the bookmarks they are selling to help fund their future books.

And Boo brought home a quite a few additional new things, first and foremost being a baby waif who she's tentatively named Kitty. Kitty is a sexed girl with raised eyelids, from the early-to-mid 70's.

Of course Kitty needed more to wear, so Boo picked a few pieces to start her layette. Notice I said I didn't buy anything for myself in the sales room.

Calla and Rose also have more to wear, thanks to the generosity of Dorisanne and Jackie. Boo was amazed how nice people were to her. Calla is standing with items from a special children's workshop, including a child-sized Sasha wrist tag that Boo made; Rose is standing with items that were given to the kids with helped with the raffle.

This concludes my posts for the 2011 Sasha Festival. Let the countdown to the 2012 Sasha Festival begin ... 10 months and 10 days to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Boo, Kitty is precious!!!
I *so* enjoyed your coverage this year. With you, your camera & i-pad, the Sasha Festival 2010 became a visual on-line experience. Thank you for your many many efforts.