05 July 2012

Sasha Books

In addition to discussing Sasha Festival History during Friday's post-dinner program at the festival, Ann Chandler also introduced the latest Sasha book: Sasha Dolls, Clothing and Patterns. She has graciously agreed to let me share this commentary as well. I have a copy of this new book, and it is marvelous. (In fact I have copies of all five of the books she lists, and will certainly buy the two upcoming books once they're available.)


Information about ordering Sasha books

In 1986 and 1987, after the Trendon closed its doors, collectors were pushing for a book to be written about Sasha dolls. Anne Votaw had written an article about Sasha for Doll Reader Magazine, and because of that, and my newsletter, The Sasha Doll Collectors Club Newsletter, we were both hearing this request from collectors. We decided to write the book together. In 1987, we went to England on a research trip, with the idea of writing a definitive book about Sasha dolls. We figured we could have it out in about a year. Little did we know it would take us three decades to publish that book! By 2006, when we signed our contract with Reverie Publishing, our research and experience could not be contained between two covers. We added Susanna Lewis, well-known researcher and knitter, to our team. Eventually it will take a series of four books to tell the whole story.
Sasha Dolls the History is for sale now. This first book is a comprehensive look at the history of Sasha dolls, material that has been covered in none of the other books.
Sasha Dolls, Clothing and Patterns is available now through Susanna’s website, www.sashadoll.com . Orders must go through the website. Each person at the Festival received promotional card at dinner Friday evening, giving a synopsis of the book and ordering information.
Sasha Dolls, Serie Identification will be out in the summer of 2013. This book is being written primarily by Susanna Lewis. It includes detailed information about identifying your Sasha dolls, which comprise most of our collections. This includes details about packaging and dress sets. It will also include the special Sasha dolls, including those painted by Sasha herself, prototype Frido dolls, the counterfeit Mexican Sashas and the look-alike Moni dolls. It will be of great help in the buying or selling of Sasha dolls, and will enhance your appreciation of the dolls you own.
• In 2014, we plan to publish Sasha Dolls, Creative Collecting, which will tell about the wonderful creative things collectors do with their Sasha dolls, complete doll-houses in Sasha’s size, holding special events like Doll Camp for Sasha, and many other ways you may not have thought about to enjoy your dolls. This book will be popular with all ages of collectors, from six to ninety-six.
This series of four books by Anne Votaw, Susanna Lewis and me, will supplement the Sasha library that already exists.
• Michael O’Brien’s wonderful little soft-cover book, simply called Sasha, details his personal collection of early Trendon and Götz Sasha dolls.
• Dorisanne Osborn has recently announced that her great basic book Sasha Through the Years, is out of stock with her printer, and now only available directly from her. Dorisanne Osborn, 3977 Oak Street, Keuka Park, NY 14478.
• Stephen Biffinger’s delightful coffee-table book, published in Switzerland, and written in both English and German, is about Sasha Morgenthaler and her original hand-made Studio dolls. It is called Sasha Dolls/Sasha Puppen. Parts of this book were written by Sasha Morgenthaler herself, Sasha’s daughter, Barbara Morgenthaler Cameron, and our own fellow Sasha doll collector and friend, Laura Knusli. I was excited to hear at the Stratford Festival that a second printing is planned for this book, due to popular demand. Watch Susanna’s website for news of this event.
These three books were published in 1999, while we were still seeking a publisher and gathering ever-more information. It’s a good thing they stopped manufacturing Sasha dolls or we might still be gathering!

Information on ordering these earlier books can also be found at www.sashadoll.com, Susanna’s web site.

7/6/12 UPDATED: Corrected Dorisanne's address.
7/12/12 UPDATED: Changed publication year of the three books from 1989 to 1999.

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